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Money Matters
Article for Bali Advertiser - 2022
Preparing for an Endo of the Pandemic
Article for Bali Advertiser - 2021
How the Pandemic could change Financial Planning
Times are Changing so must we or Else!
COP26 – Now It's Up To Us
Gold or Water which is the Better Investment?
Planning a Financial Recovery from Covid-19
Managing your money in a pandemic
Who's afraid of the Big 'I'
Where there's a will, there's a way
'Code Red' - Can savers save the planet?
My money is my pension
When investing becomes a casino
Financial resolutions for a better year
Article for Bali Advertiser - 2020
Winners and Losers during the Pandemic
What a Biden Victory could mean for Bali
Sustainability the Keyw to Survival
Have you Planned for Longevity?
Actions Needed Before the Pandemic is Over
Where should we Invest During the Pandemic
Signs of Life At The End Of The Tunnel
Pandora's Box has been Opened
It Never Rains but it Pours!
Could the US / Iran Conflict Impact Expats in Bali?
Article for Bali Advertiser - 2019
Is it possible to boost your pension at the 11th hour
Can you afford to retire in Bali?
How ESG can benefit the world and your pocket
How might a global recession affect you
From piggy bank to portfolio - The-learning-curve
Staying safe in the financial minefield
What major item is missing from education
Why Bank Robberies are Down
Picking up the pieces from a grim year
Article for Bali Advertiser - 2018
Climate Change - What will be the cost?
Financial advice for millennials - But will they read it?
Are you an ethical investor?
Coping with currency woes
Learning lessons from disasters
How can we avoid outliving our pensions?
Wil you outlive your pension?
It couldn't happen to me or could it?
Why one pension is not enough
Some great new ways to lose money
Cryptocurrencies Opportunity or disaster in waiting
Article for Bali Advertiser - 2017
Lessons from a surpring year but what lies ahead?
Is it time to take our chips off the table?
Storm devastation could it happen here?
All expats likely to be affected by CRS
Time not timing is what matters
Will the Rule of 72 wipe out your savings?
Which will produce the best return?
Time to pile into emerging markets
Planning for financial disruption
Coping with compliance
Investing Staying safe in an unsafe world
How charges can damage your investment returns
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